Kiddies Transport
To and From School
06h:00 – 18h00
Designated Driver
Pickup Hotline
18h:00 – 03h00
designated driver indemnity agreement
By completing and submitting below indemnity form, you agree and accept the terms and conditions hereby laid out by Have A Safe Trip.
NOTE: Only bookings with completed Indemnity agreement will be accepted.
*** The Company endeavors to take reasonable care when providing the Service of driving the User vehicle from the pick up address to the drop off address.
***The User expressly acknowledges that the Service to be provided is inherently risky and accordingly agrees to indemnify the Company from being held responsible for any material damage to property directly or indirectly or consequential or otherwise from the use of the service being provided.
***The User irrevocably indemnifies the Company, its Partners, its employees against any claim for material damages to property which may be instituted against any one or more of them by the User, his Estate or successors in title arising out of or in connection with any negligent conduct of the Company, its Partners or employees during the use of the said service.
***The Company does not warrant the Service being provided to the User in case of unforeseen eventualities.
***The User warrants that the opportunities that the appropriate insurance cover is in place in respect of the User’s motor vehicle and that it extends to alternative drivers and alternative drivers that may be under the age of 25, however are of driving age, possessing a legal driver’s licence, whilst driving the User’s motor vehicle from the pick up address to the agreed upon drop off address (see details above).
Tired of having to deal with the police after a night out?
Maybe safety is your main concern…
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Safe Trip is a Proud Service Provider For AA Designated Driver

If Safety is a concern for you or your children on drinking nights out.
Book our shuttles manually here by downloading the form, filling it in and uploading the signed one below!